Primera Printer settings

Primera LX 400

  • Note: DON'T load the software from the enclosed CD.  It has unnecessary software.
  • Get the Primera LX400 PC Printer Driver: (click here for ver 1.35)   (or get the latest from primera's site)
  • Set Printer sensor to ( 2" ?) (click here).
  • Start, Devices and Printers, r-click on Color Label 400, Printing Preferences
  • Set Custom Page Size, Inches.
    • 4" badges:  Width=245, Height = 385 (width+ moves it down, height+ moves it right)
    • 3" badges:  Width = 205, Height= 260
  • Set Orientation to Landscape
  • Set Print Quality to 2 or 3 (start with 2 for speed).
  • Set Ink Saturation to between 70% and 90%.  Start with 80% and adjust as needed.
  • If under "printer properties" there is a button that says "Change Properties", then there is a problem with the driver.  It needs to be reinstalled under that account.
  • You can try "Print Test Page" to see if windows can access the printer.
  • To let all users use the printer: (you must be logged in as admin for the 3rd step)
    • C:\Windows\system32\spool, r-click properties on the Printer folder, Security, users=full control
    • C:\ProgramData, r-click properties on PTI folder, Security, users=full control
    • Start, Control Panel, Devices and Printers, r-click Printer Properties, Security, Everyone= allow all

Settings for 4" wide by 2" tall labels

Confirmed on LX400  - not confirmed on LX500

In Primera driver:
Width=385  (adjust as needed)
Height=245   (adjust as needed)

In eVisitor:
Settings | Print Rotation Override = 90

Primera LX 500

  1. Install labels into printer
    1. Unpack printer and plug into power.
    2. Load labels into the printer.  They go face up.
    3. Set the sensor to 2"
    4. Press feed on printer to feed a single label.
    5. Note: if you cannot reliably feed a single label, eVisitor will probably not be able to print.

  2. Configure Windows
    1. Plug the USB cord into the computer and load the driver.  As of May 2022, the driver is ver 2.3.1.
    2. Set paper size:
    3. Inches.
    4. 4" badges:  Width=245, Height = 385 (width+ moves it down, height+ moves it right)
    5. 3" badges:  Width = 205, Height= 260
    6. Set Orientation to Landscape
    7. Set Print Quality to 2 or 3 (Start with 2 for speed)
    8. Set Ink Saturation to between 70% and 90%.  Start with 80% and adjust as needed.
    9. Use PrintHub utility, Print Alignment to set left margin to 8.  Adjust as needed.
    10. Print a test page. 
    11. Note: If you can't reliably print a Windows test page, eVisitor will probably not be able to print.

  3. Configure eVisitor
    1. Login to eVisitor.
    2. Goto settings, devices, label printer and point to the "Color Label 500 ...".
    3. Set template to Full Expire.
    4. Test by printing several badges.
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